Brandon Beckham serves on the State Central Committee (SCC) of the Utah Republican Party. The SCC is the governing body of the Utah Republican Party, comprising 180 members from around the state. Members are elected to the body by county delegates and serve a two-year term without pay. Some elected officials, such as the governor and members of Congress, are automatically on the SCC. The Committee is headed by the Party Chair and meets as a body once each quarter to conduct business.
Brandon is widely known by Republican leaders across the state and prides himself in working collaboratively with other members to get business done. Brandon was also chosen to serve on Senator Mike Lee’s Caucus-Convention Advisory Committee (CCAC), which met for 6 months to figure out the key problems and solutions to improving the caucus-convention process for both delegates and candidates.
Below, are resolutions Brandon has recently authored and passed for the Utah Republican Party. Also below, is the CCAC final report that has yet to be addressed by the SCC. The solutions in the report are key to growing the Party and maintaining its relevancy.